How do you feel?
Health has many components—what we eat; whether and how much we exercise; if we have work, hobbies, and relationships that nourish us; and whether we have friends and family we enjoy being with, to name a few.
Do you wake up with energy to face the day or are you tired and stressed, anxious about the future?
As we age, we tend to have more complaints about our health—about our body, and perhaps about our cognition too. Research and experience shows there are ways to keep our body and brains healthy, and if we have gotten off track and start to feel unwell, we also have ways to find out what is causing the problem and how to restore the body and the mind.
Are you feeling not as well or sharp as you used to? Learn what you can do to get back on the track to better health.
Lisa has over twenty years of experience as a health and wellness coach. She co-founded Sharp Again Naturally, a nonprofit that has had a major impact in educating people about the causes of memory loss, motivating them to take action early, and helping them to adopt lifestyle changes that keep their bodies and brains healthy throughout their lives.